Urban wildlife

Coyotes and foxes in Laval? Absolutely!

Coyote or fox sightings in Laval still seem to cause some surprise – and even fear – among the population. Yet humans are not on the menu for these carnivorous mammals who have adapted quite well to the urban setting and are very present on the Laval territory. Considering this adaptation, it is essential to learn to coexist with them.

Coyote; cousin of the wolf

« In the past few years, a growing number of people have noticed the presence of coyotes in their neighbourhood, in both small and big cities. As wild animals are coming back, we have to remember that they must be treated with respect so we can coexist in peace », claims Nature Conservancy Canada (free translation from Courrier Laval).


Coyotes hunt either at dawn or dusk. In fact, this predator feeds on small, overabundant animals such as mice and groundhogs. Coyotes play an important role in the control of these small animals in cities (Nature Conservancy Canada).


The red fox, discreet canid

Our biologist Alexandre Choquet once told  Courrier Laval: « Even though we don’t notice their presence, red foxes are absolutely everywhere on Jesus island » (free translation from original quote). During daytime, foxes are very cautious, but note that in the nighttime, they hunt and do not exclude cats from their diet. 


If by any chance you come across a fox and wish to photograph it, remain at a good distance and proceed in complete silence, since this animal is very alert and extremely timid. 


Curious and agile by nature, red foxes are omnivore (mammals, fruits, insects, etc.) and can be seen anywhere in Canada, except in the High Arctic and off the coast of British Columbia (Nature Conservancy Canada). Their very unique and sharp bark can send shivers down your spine, so we suggest you learn how to recognize it to spare yourself a good scare!


What should you do if you see a coyote?

The City of Laval indicates on its website how to proceed:

• Stay calm

• Keep your distance from the animal so it can run away 

• If the coyote reacts agressively:

  • Display a dominant behaviour 

  • Make sure that kids stay close to adults 

  • Make noise or scream to scare the animal away 

  • Walk quietly to leave, without turning your back on the animal 

  • Contact 311 to report the presence of a coyote with a unusual behaviour 

  • Call 911 for any situation considered urgent and life threatening to a human or a pet 


… and what if you see a fox?

Foxes are very timid by nature; keep your distance, do not feed them and avoid any physical contact, as they can carry diseases.


It goes without saying that it is prohibited to feed or attract wild animals in Laval. It is also prohibited to use poison to make a wild animal suffer and to trap or capture a wild animal. Please refer to the City of Laval’s website for all regulations. 


Relevant resources

Article 1 by Courrier Laval (in French)

Article 2 by Courrier Laval (in French)

City of Laval

Nature Conservancy Canada

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