Carbone Scol'ERE

Carbone Scol'ERE

The CRE de Laval is one of the training organizations accredited by COOP FA, which initiated the Carbone Scol’ERE project. Our team members visit Grade 4, 5, and 6 classrooms in Laval to conduct workshops on carbon emissions and climate change.

Through five workshops per participating class, students receive information not only about the greenhouse effect and climate change but also regarding the impact of transportation and the production of everyday items, energy use, and their ability to raise awareness among their peers.


By engaging in this project, CRE hopes that these cohorts will use their acquired knowledge to contribute to the responsible development of our societies.


Hundreds of children raised awareness

Since the project's launch, and despite the necessary adjustments during the COVID-19 crisis, the number of participating classes has continually increased. In the 2023-2024 school year, nearly 30 classes, totaling 599 children, have been educated through our workshops.


Project partners

An agreement with the Desjardins Caisse of Laval allowed the Carbone Scol’ERE project to expand to 10 additional classes starting in winter 2021.

The City of Laval is also among our partners. Each year, the city commits to funding this innovative environmental education project for 10 classes.


How to contribute to this project ?

Help us expand the project to more schools by purchasing educational carbon credits generated by students who complete their challenges and thus offset part of their GHG emissions.


How to purchase educational carbon credits and support the project ?

Visit the Carbone Scol'ERE project website and select the amount of educational carbon credits corresponding to your emissions or those of your company.

When purchasing, choose CRE de Laval from the list of partner organizations.


About the Carbone Scol'ERE project

Carbone Scol'ERE is the first GHG offset alternative in education recognized by a steering committee led by CRIQ. It aims to bring about real, measurable, verifiable, and cumulative behavior changes. It offers two options:

  1. Reduce GHG emissions by having students and their families take on challenges following a 10-hour training through classroom workshops (Commitment component).

  2. Offset GHG emissions by purchasing educational carbon credits generated from the avoided emissions of the Commitment component. A unique, quantified, and scientifically verified offset unit (Offset component).


Do you need more information?

Please contact our Environmental Education Project Manager at: