In order to reduce the amount of waste sent to landfills and promote citizens’ environmental commitment, the City of Laval launched in the Fall of 2022 its very first Zero waste island challenge (Défi Île zéro déchet), a support program for families wishing to reduce significantly their volume of waste generated. This project was led jointly with CRE de Laval.
A second edition for the Challenge
In June 2023, a second edition of the Challenge was announced - registrations are now closed.
The Zero waste island challenge involved the support of 25 Laval households interested in striving towards a zero waste lifestyle. During 6 months, the 25 participating households received a customized diagnosis, tools and advice to help them achieve their reduction target.
This project highlighted the reduction at source and the benefits for families, society and the environment. Participants discovered that small daily actions can have a great impact on their ecological footprint!
Why strive towards a zero waste lifestyle?
- For the environment: Reducing waste at the source means doing our part in the fight against the overexploitation of resources and the production of greenhouse gas emissions;
- For our personal finances: by cutting down our consumption of goods, adopting minimalism principles and making everyday items, it is easy to save a lot of money;
- For our health: questioning the harmfulness of certain products and rethinking our consumption habits help limit our exposure to toxic products;
- For ourselves: working to reduce our waste means acting in accordance with our values and feeling like we can be part of the solution while acting on our own convictions.
What did the program include?
- A zero waste kit ($100 value) automatically given to selected families.
- One great prize of $1000 in zero waste groceries drawn among the participating households that met the criteria for participation.
- Personalized support and individual sessions to help participants reflect on their consumption habits and identify their own reduction target, in accordance with their reality and their personal limits;
- Workshops and monthly conferences about the adoption of zero waste habits;
- Access to a variety of information, including digital resources and a weekly newsletter;
- An evaluation of the reduction of waste achieved.
End of the project
The closing event was held on May 12, 2023.
Summary of avoided residual materials:
Media publications (in French)
October 30, 2022 - Article in Courrier Laval: 5 foyers lavallois relèvent le défi du zéro déchet
November 3, 2022 - Article in the Global News: Laval, Que. challenging families to reduce household waste by 25%
June 20, 2023 - TV show L'Épicerie on Radio-Canada
October 3, 2023 - Article in Courrier Laval: Défi Île zéro déchet: c'est reparti