Laval ZéN and Conseil régional de l’environnement de Laval collaborated again to present two conferences for 2022, as part of the Climat de changement initiative.
Based on the great theme of land use planning, these two conferences explored different aspects of Laval territory. Each conference was a unique opportunity to hear experts from various backgrounds.
Two conferences were therefore offered in 2022:
● Laval, ville insulaire (''Laval, insular city'') (March 31, 2022)
● Aménager le territoire: Ça commence dans ma cour! (''Land use planning: it begins in my yard!'') (May 5, 2022)
Conference 1 - « Laval, ville insulaire » (''Laval, insular city'')
The first conference was presented during the Semaine des actions ZéN (''Week of zero net emission actions'') on Thursday, March 31 at 7:00PM, at Collège Montmorency.
Unlike several other cities, Laval is... an island! This particularity influences its natural environment and the impacts that humans may have on it. Thinking of Laval as an island means reflecting on its place in a greater ecosystem - the St. Lawrence's, as well as the aquatic environments that support it -, but also on the representation and the territoriality of Laval. This conference therefore aimed to explore the insular character of Laval territory while highlighting its distinctive features, evolution and representations, as well as the challenges of this situation.
We had the pleasure to welcome skilled panelists from Fondation Rivières and Parc de la Rivière-des-Mille-Îles.
Conference 2 - « Aménager le territoire: ça commence dans ma cour! » (''Land use planning: it all begins in my own backyard!'')
This second conference was held on Thursday, May 5, 19:00PM at College Montmorency.
If land use planning often involves urbanism, such as great parks and traffic lanes, it is also possible to do it at the citizen scale. On our balconies or in our backyards, we can as citizens help the nature and biodiversity by reducing the barrier effect that the built environment often creates. This conference was all about the solutions and ecoresponsible actions that we can all take to improve the quality of life in Laval.
Great panelists joined us - Emile Forest from the organization Nouveaux Voisins as well as Jérémy Bordages, landscape architect.
Watch (or rewatch!) on YouTube
May 5, 2022 - « Aménager le territoire: ça commence dans ma cour! »
March 31, 2022 - « Laval, ville insulaire »
Media publications (in French)
February 28, 2022 - Article in L'Echo de Laval - « Laval: entre terres et rivières », un nouveau cycle de conférences
Press release (in French)
February 28, 2022 - « Laval: entre terres et rivières », un nouveau cycle de conférences