
'CRE de Laval' and 'CANOPÉE - Le réseau des bois de Laval' unite for the protection of Barbe stream's natural environment

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Challenging the City of Laval to put in reserve the lots targeted by an authorization from the Ministry of the Environment and the Fight Against Climate Change, the two non-profit organizations stand firmly against the destruction of this exceptional site.

« While the City of Laval had identified more than two thirds of the 31 hectares of the natural environment of the Barbe stream as a wetland of interest in its interim control by-law of the summer of 2020 (M.R.C.L.-11) in order to protect them against development, the Ministry authorized in 2021 the destruction of close to half of the area, including about 7 hectares of wetlands of interest.


Even though the Ministry requires a financial compensation of $4 056 608 from the promoter for the destruction of this wetland, there is no guarantee that this amount of money will allow for the protection of another one with a similar ecological value in Laval, as dictated by the zero net loss principle that must guide the Ministry while conducting analysis » (excerpt of the press release, translated).


CRE de Laval and CANOPÉE - Le réseau des bois de Laval urge the City of Laval to intervene and enforce its interim control by-law, despite the Ministry's authorization. However, even though the issue of the municipal permit required for the projected construction works of the two residential streets and industrial buildings has not yet been completed, the promoter has already started backfilling the existing natural areas - it is now one minute to midnight for the Barbe stream's forest.


Press release (French-written)

May 31, 2022 - Le milieu naturel du ruisseau Barbe est menacé par le ministère de l’Environnement et de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques


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'CRE de Laval' and 'CANOPÉE - Le réseau des bois de Laval' unite for the protection of Barbe stream's natural environment

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