In 2017, the City of Laval acquired Trait-Carré Woodland, a large natural environment of 12 hectares located downtown Laval, but they did not want to conserve it entirely. The grassland had apparently no ecological value, so different projects for the construction of municipal buildings were quickly suggested.
However, when municipal services were working on the directing plans for conservation, forestry and green spaces, is it not too early to waste this natural environment right in the downtown area for development? To answer this question, CRE de Laval and Les Amis du Boisé du Souvenir are proud to present a report that offers a first characterization of Trait-Carré Woodland - there is also an evaluation of some impacts of urbanization, such as the decline of canopy and heat islands. The study also highlights the social benefits of green spaces in urbanized zones. This study also highlights the social benefits of green spaces in urbanized zones. The implementation of a green corridor that would link the Souvenir Woodland to the Armand-Frappier sector is seen as a sustainable solution in the context of such a need to protect natural environments.
A cleanup was organized for the Journées de la nature by the Regroupement national des conseils régionaux de l’environnement du Québec in the spring of 2019, in collaboration with Les Amis du Boisé du Souvenir. We also participated to another cleanup event organized by CANOPÉE – Le réseau des bois de Laval in the fall of 2019. The cleanups allowed us to get rid of so much waste! This was also a great opportunity for people to get to know the site better.
More recently, in May 2021, a survey was created to take the pulse of the Laval population regarding the future of this woodland. Unsurprisingly, the vast majority of the 902 respondents positioned themselves for its integral conservation and the addition of facilities with a very low impact on the natural environment, such as urban props or path signs. Several respondents also demanded the acquisition of the 2 hectares of land that are still of private property.
A survey report was jointly submitted to the City by CANOPÉE - Le réseau de bois de Laval, CRE de Laval, Les Amis du Trait-Carré and Les Amis du Boisé du Souvenir, as part of the public consultations regarding the downtown area's Planning program (Plan particulier d'urbanisme - PPU). Despite these attempts, an ''Institutional'' zoning designation was still assigned to this territory, leaving the door open for the construction of civic infrastructures.
In 2022, the selection of Trait-Carré for the construction of a new elementary school was confirmed by the Boyer administration. Even though the agreement between the City of Laval and the Centre de services scolaire de Laval (CSSL) calls for a restricted area of only 15% of the woodlot, we regret the potential impacts of such a development in this ecosystem, which could become even more fragmented and subject to an increased edge effect.
Nonetheless, we remain optimistic regarding the results of the public consultation scheduled for Spring 2023 and the development vision of the woodland - we do hope that a ''Conservation'' zoning designation will be assigned to its remaining part and that its assets will be enhanced for the benefit of the population and biodiversity.
More details to come on this topic in early 2023.
Trait-Carré's trail map:
Publications (in French)
Expert report
2018. Vision d’avenir pour le Bois du Trait-Carré. Rapport d’expertise, 88 pages.
Press releases
June 21, 2021 - Un sondage sur l’aménagement du bois du Trait-Carré révèle que la population consultée souhaite la protection des lieux. To be read with the following document : Rapport de sondage : la mise en valeur du Boisé du Trait-Carré.
April 19, 2021 - Des organismes environnementaux et des groupes de citoyens lavallois lancent une consultation publique sur l’aménagement du bois du Trait-Carré
August 9, 2018 – Le Bois du Trait-Carré protégé in extremis : Un rapport recommande d’adopter une vision globale pour le centre-ville
August 5, 2018 – Dossier du Bois du Trait-Carré : un rapport d’expertise recommande la conservation intégrale
Articles on this topic
January 16, 2023 - Réactions à la construction d'une école au boisé du Trait-Carré - Courrier Laval
June 22, 2022 - Le Boisé du Trait-Carré, un joyau vert - L'Echo de Laval
June 21, 2022 - Le Boisé du Trait-Carré, notre joyau vert! - L'Info de Laval
July 4, 2021 - Résultat d’un sondage sur l’aménagement du bois du Trait-Carré - L'Echo de Laval
June 23, 2021 - 900 Lavallois se prononcent sur l’avenir du bois du Trait-Carré - Courrier Laval
October 26, 2021 - Grand nettoyage d’Halloween au bois du Trait-Carré - Courrier Laval
April 19, 2021 - Bois du Trait-Carré : les Lavallois sondés - Courrier Laval
August 10, 2018: Ce qu’ils ont dit - Courrier Laval
August 10, 2018: «Il n’y avait nulle urgence de voter sur l’avenir du boisé» – Virginie Dufour - Courrier Laval
August 9, 2018: Trait-Carré: le maire n’opposera pas son veto - Courrier Laval
August 9, 2018: Verdissement du centre-ville: tout reste à faire - Courrier Laval
August 8, 2018: Le bois du Trait-Carré sera protégé en totalité - Courrier Laval
August 6, 2018: Trait-Carré: les élus sous pression - Courrier Laval